Sunday, August 25, 2019

Fashion Design And Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Fashion Design And Architecture - Essay Example The type of construction that is done depending on the preference and culture of the people at that particular time. It is for this reason that architecture is known to protect the culture of a given people over time and in most times act as cultural symbols. Due to this, we are able to learn the civilization of past people and how they lived during their times. The practice of erecting buildings can be seen as an art and in many cases, architecture is used to refer to buildings especially those constructed over a given period of time. There are various levels at which architecture can be done from the small-scale level that involves the construction of small-scale buildings such as kennels to the large-scale constructions of skyscrapers and water dams that can be seen in various parts of the world such as China and the western parts of the world. Design, on the other hand, can be described as the process of creating something with a given plan that is important to the making of a ne w system that can be used for various purposes. In software constructions, designing can be said to be the process of coming u with a blueprint of a software just before it is constructed. In architecture, the too design is one of the most important processes. The design is done with an intention of creating something new in the environment and creates unique things that have characteristics that have never been seen before. Design can also be described as the long process that is used to achieve particular set goals.  ... The practice of erecting buildings can be seen as an art and in many cases architecture is used to refer to buildings especially those constructed over a given period of time. There are various levels at which architecture can be done from the small scale level that involves the construction of small scale buildings such as kennels to the large scale constructions of skyscrapers and water dams that can be seen in various parts of the world such as china and the western parts of the world. Design on the other hand can be described as the process of creating something with a given plan that is important to the making of a new system that can be used for various purposes. In software constructions, designing can be said to be the process of coming u with a blueprint of a software just before it is constructed. In architecture too design is one of the most important processes. Design is done with an intention of creating something new in the environment and creates unique things that hav e characteristics that have never been seen before. Design can also be described as the long process that is used to achieve particular set goals. These set goals in most cases involve unique accomplishments. Fashion design is an art of applying natural beauty and design to come up with clothing and accessories that are acceptable to different people considering their gender, age, and the trend of time in which they are. Fashion design can be influenced by a lot of different factors top of which is climate. It is because of this that fashion designers work to accomplish their goals in different ways. The design is a continuous changing process as they have to work hard to match the consumer demand which keeps changing most of the time. For any designer to be successful, they

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